Edit Your Life!

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There's a Zen proverb that says, "Knowledge is learning something every day. Wisdom is letting go of something every day."  We celebrate the blessing of growing older and the opportunity of aging every day with our media partner, Growing Bolder – to whom this proverb is especially true.

In the media business, letting go of something every day is called “editing” and it provides a bigger lesson that we can all learn from to improve our lives during life’s transitions.

We’ve all likely edited things many times in our lives - essays, letters, invitations to parties, photos on our phone, a video for social media and even drawings we make with our kids and grandkids.

These changes and trims almost always make the finished item better. Our products become leaner, cleaner and more focused. Mistakes are corrected and our creations become more unique.

Successful aging is also a process of editing. It's doing less of what doesn't bring you joy and more of what does.


You know those people that don't inspire, encourage, or support you or your life’s dreams? The ones who fail to see the beauty in life? Do some editing! Make a change. Find community in groups and teams who share your interests and enthusiasm for life.

You know the unhealthy foods you used to eat in your youth that now cause havoc to your stomach? Do some editing! Embrace a healthier diet that supports a longer life.

Does running that 10K now hurt your knees? Replace it with a new way to stay active, like yoga, swimming or power walking!

And how about that garage full of stuff you never use? The attic overflowing with endless odds and ends accumulated through the years? The closet that is full of clothes that no longer fit? Let’s do some editing together.

The senior relocation experts at Caring Transitions of Essex are masters at life editing. With thousands upon thousands of people served at more than 350 locations across the country, a Caring Transitions team is ready to support you, your parents, or older loved ones through any life change by creating a personalized plan for downsizing or moving.

Your cherished belongings will be handled with care, and for the items you no longer need, they’ll find new homes through a managed estate sale or on the online auction platform, CTBids. This process not only puts extra money in your pocket but also returns the gift of a clutter-free home.

No matter what it is in your life, whether it is activities, routines, things or more, if it no longer sparks joy, make a change to let it go.

And while you're letting go of things, let go of self-doubt, anger, grudges, guilt, envy, jealousy, resentment, and regret. Let go of the desire to be someone you’re not. Embrace the person you are and give yourself grace.

When you edit your life, you let go of attachment to anything that no longer brings value to your life. You'll be amazed at the space you create for the people, the places, and the things that enrich your world.

Now is not the time to shrink back or settle for anything less than what brings you joy. It’s a time to embrace life fully, to spend these years doing what you love, in the places you love, with the people who matter most. Celebrate this chapter and make it one to remember.

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